Airflow, sound level, pressure drop and throw length: The device information can be edited and the airflow can be adjusted to a certain level or according to the structure of the space in this menu. If there is more than one air terminal device in the plan, the information of each device can be edited from the drop-down menu below.
Throw patterns: You can choose the most suitable throw pattern for the device or direct the throw pattern as required.
Devices: The location, size, number, installation height, or supply air temperature of the device(s) can be changed in this menu. If there are several devices in the plan, you can use their location buttons at the bottom of the menu. If the device can be installed both on the ceiling and on the wall, you can choose the installation location.
Obstacles: You can add obstacles to the space, and define their dimensions and locations. Obstacles can be used to model, for example, beam structures in the ceiling.
Room: Enter the dimensions of the room from the menu, if necessary, you can add a lower ceiling grid, which also works as a snap net for transferring terminal devices.
Air speeds: From the upper left corner of the simulation screen, you can activate at which air speeds the throw patterns are displayed.
Air change rate factor: In the upper right corner of the simulation screen, you can see the air change rate factor of the space.