The carbon dioxide emissions of the OLO series have been reduced by up to 23%

Sustainable and environmentally friendly business practices guide everything we do. That’s why our product development strives to reduce the carbon footprint of our products whenever possible. Such measures include, for example, changing the product and packaging materials to more environmentally friendly ones, optimizing the use of materials, and optimizing the use of water and energy in manufacturing. Our OLO diffusers are a perfect example of environmentally friendly product development.

The plastic nozzles of our air terminal devices have been replaced with biocomposite

The amount of steel used in production has been reduced by up to 18%, in addition to which the plastic nozzles of the OLO series were changed to a biodegradable composite in 2022. The carbon footprint of the biocomposite is up to 90% smaller. Thus, for example, the carbon dioxide emissions for the OLO 250 size diffuser have decreased by 4.1 kgCO2 per finished product. With this amount of emissions, you could drive a car 285 kilometers, heat a sauna 8.7 times, or eat 18.7 beef fillet steaks.

The best thing, however, is that the OLO product series is still ultra-stylish, time-resistant, and top-class in terms of technical features.

Get to know OLO diffuser


Vent.X tips – Effect of temperature on the throw pattern

In many cases, the purpose of the supply air is to either cool or heat the room. Cooling with supply air can be considered common in many spaces. Heating, on the other hand, is most typical in different types of high spaces, such as sports facilities, shopping centers or industrial halls.

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Get to know: Teppo Soini production director of the factories

At the Kausala factory, you can find Climecon employees with long careers in our company. For example, Teppo Soini, the superman of the factories, is one of them. For almost 18 years, he has been in many roles at the factory and in product development. At the moment, he works as a production director, who ensures that the factories work as they should and that production is rolling. His area of ​​responsibility includes the production of the factories in Kausala and Pihtipudas.

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NEW: Demand-controlled ventilation saves energy in professional kitchens

Climecon brings a new innovation to professional kitchen ventilation, which can reduce the energy consumption of kitchen ventilation by at least 50 %. OptiDemand DCKV technology, available in all Climecon hoods and ceiling ventilation solutions, provides demand-controlled ventilation for professional kitchens. Demand-controlled, intelligent ventilation saves energy, and employees always have optimal working conditions.

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