Professional kitchen ventilation products are now EPD calculated

The environmental effects of all professional kitchen ceiling ventilation solutions have now been calculated, and the EPD documents are available on our website. We continue to make EPD calculations and ensure that our customers have reliable environmental information about our products in the future.

More and more builders are interested in the carbon footprint of the construction products they choose, and the need for transparent environmental information is growing.  With the reform of the Building Act, it is necessary to calculate the carbon footprint of a new building in Finland. The environmental report, i.e., EPD, facilitates the construction project’s climate assessment, ensuring that the emission data is correct. If the product does not have an environmental product declaration the carbon footprint calculation has to rely on emission databases, which always give inaccurate information and a larger carbon footprint because of the conservatism factor. A manufacturer-specific EPD declaration is, therefore, a clear competitive advantage when the project aims for ambitious emission reductions. We also have EPD-calculated hoods in our selection.


Climecon’s ceiling ventilation solutions are designed to meet the needs of even the most demanding professional kitchens based on hygiene, functionality, and especially design.

Our ceiling ventilation solutions include a wide selection of different ventilation units, such as supply air, capture air, exhaust air units, and air curtain units, that prevent dirty air from spreading outside the frying stations.

Get to know Ceiling ventilation solutions



Update to the selection of air terminal devices 2025: CLIK will be removed from the selection

We are proud of our wide range of products. Our selection is updated regularly so that we can offer the most current products. However, sometimes it comes time to stop manufacturing certain products so that we can make room for new products.

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New – AIRA valves for residential ventilation

AIRA is a new, stylish, and modern valve for residential ventilation developed in cooperation with top design professionals. For a long time, there has been a desire for a valve with versatile directional properties for draft-free ventilation. AIRA valves now offer a high-quality Nordic solution with a wide throw pattern and throw pattern direction feature.

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Get to know: Production development engineer Olli Kekäläinen

This time, we would like to introduce our Production development engineer, Olli Kekäläinen. He works on various production development projects and is also our quality manager. Over the course of eight years, Olli has been involved in many things—for example, he has worked as a cost estimator and as a designer in our ventilation design service for professional kitchens. He also did his diploma thesis for Climecon as part of his mechanical engineering studies at Aalto University.

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