Our work as carbon neutral company

Our economy and society are still built on nature. For this reason, the contribution of the whole society is needed to prevent climate change and to protect biodiversity. At Climecon, we want to be involved in solving climate challenges, and we have been a carbon-neutral company since 2020. That’s what we are this year too. However, the work against climate change continues, and we want to take steps toward an even more responsible operation.

A global standard guides the calculation of the carbon footprint

Climecon’s carbon neutrality calculations are based on the internationally used Greenhouse Gas GHG protocol, which provides a framework for calculating and compensating the carbon dioxide emissions of organizations, companies, and cities. We are carbon neutral in terms of direct emissions from our operations and indirect emissions from purchased energy. In addition, we are carbon neutral commuting to work, business trips, waste handling, fuel production, and energy transmission loss. We have compensated our emissions to the extent that we cannot eliminate them ourselves.

Climecon has done a lot of work to reduce emissions from its operations. It has been successful in terms of the company’s direct emissions and purchased energy, and Climecon does produces 80% less of these emissions than in 2019. The company’s value chain emissions have increased since the comparison year 2019 due to operational growth, equipment investments, and an increase in logistics emissions. The difference between 2019 and 2022 is 1301 tCO2e. Our goal is to identify those parts of our value chain that generate unnecessary emissions and to set targets that can be used to reduce these emissions.

Responsible support for the environment

With the help of ecological compensation, the damage caused by human activity to biodiversity is compensated by increasing biodiversity elsewhere. Climecon had 339 tCO2e to offset in 2022. Climecon has chosen projects that support both social and environmental sustainable development in the global South as compensation targets. The Rimba Raya project protecting the tropical swamp forests of Indonesian Borneo, and the Rio Anapu-Pacaja project protecting the Brazilian Amazon rainforest were selected as the compensation targets for 2022.


Vent.X tips – Effect of temperature on the throw pattern

In many cases, the purpose of the supply air is to either cool or heat the room. Cooling with supply air can be considered common in many spaces. Heating, on the other hand, is most typical in different types of high spaces, such as sports facilities, shopping centers or industrial halls.

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Get to know: Teppo Soini production director of the factories

At the Kausala factory, you can find Climecon employees with long careers in our company. For example, Teppo Soini, the superman of the factories, is one of them. For almost 18 years, he has been in many roles at the factory and in product development. At the moment, he works as a production director, who ensures that the factories work as they should and that production is rolling. His area of ​​responsibility includes the production of the factories in Kausala and Pihtipudas.

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NEW: Demand-controlled ventilation saves energy in professional kitchens

Climecon brings a new innovation to professional kitchen ventilation, which can reduce the energy consumption of kitchen ventilation by at least 50 %. OptiDemand DCKV technology, available in all Climecon hoods and ceiling ventilation solutions, provides demand-controlled ventilation for professional kitchens. Demand-controlled, intelligent ventilation saves energy, and employees always have optimal working conditions.

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