Get to know: Customer service star and Sales coordinator Henja Heikkilä

This time, we introduce another of our awesome customer service professionals, Henja Heikkilä. Henja is the mother figure of the whole office, who never stops laughing. With her sprinkling cheerfulness, she always maintains a good spirit. Henja has the loudest and most loud laugh in the office.

Sales coordinator Henja has been a part of Climecon’s journey since the beginning, so he has become an important support pillar for the whole team. Both customers’ and staff’s problems are solved in Henja’s hands. According to Henja, the best part of her job is solving problems and helping people. Others describe Henja as a great colleague you can always count on to ensure everything is in order at Henja’s desk. Henja remembers everyone’s birthdays and round years, which are always celebrated at the office with cake and coffee.

“The best things about Climecon are the super nice colleagues and the work, where every day is a little different, offering just the right amount of challenge and success,” Henja says.

In addition, Henja also makes sure that there is always a good atmosphere at Climecon’s Christmas and summer parties. She has an education and experience in the restaurant industry, and Henja greatly enjoys organizing parties at home as well. And it probably won’t come as a surprise that, like many other Climeconians, Henja is a dog person. With two dogs, a couple of teenagers, a husband, and a house, free time goes in the blink of an eye. Henja is also a familiar sight in Ringette games as an official, cheering on her daughter and other young people she knows.


Vent.X tips – Designing high spaces

An excellent tool for examining throw lengths and throw patterns in high spaces is the “Optimize air flow” function. With the “Optimize to floor/wall” button, the program calculates the airflow for the air terminal device so that the throw length reaches exactly the floor or wall. “Optimize to 1.8 m plane” measures the airflow to reach the limit of the living zone, which is 1.8 m high.

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Get to know: Customer service star and Sales coordinator Henja Heikkilä

This time, we introduce another of our awesome customer service professionals, Henja Heikkilä. Henja is the mother figure of the whole office, who never stops laughing. With her sprinkling cheerfulness, she always maintains a good spirit. Henja has the loudest and most loud laugh in the office.

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Vent.X tips – Effect of temperature on the throw pattern

In many cases, the purpose of the supply air is to either cool or heat the room. Cooling with supply air can be considered common in many spaces. Heating, on the other hand, is most typical in different types of high spaces, such as sports facilities, shopping centers or industrial halls.

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