The OptiLumo professional kitchen lighting system now includes DALI and SwitchDIM functionality as the standard

Climecon’s professional kitchen lighting solution was updated to better cater to the wishes and requirements of customers. Now, all luminaires are supplied as standard with DALI bus and SwitchDIM technology. DALI (digital addressable lighting interface) is a widely used lighting control bus technology that seamlessly integrates Climecon’s professional kitchen lighting solution with the property’s lighting control system.

If necessary, the SwitchDIM function allows for 0-100% lighting control without a separate bus controller. Any switch is enough for the control and can manage an unlimited number of luminaires.

OptiLumo is a fireproof luminaire designed especially for professional kitchens that meet EN 12464 lighting standard requirements. The standard regulates the limit values for lighting, such as glare, colour rendering, and adequate lighting. OptiLumo luminaires are available in several power classes and colour temperatures to suit the needs of any professional kitchen. We also offer lighting simulation for large sites. The simulation provides a clear report on the quality of lighting in the kitchen area and is a reliable way to ensure compliance with the site and great working conditions.


OptiLumo luminaires for professional kitchens

  • 10-year warranty
  • IP65-class
  • For hoods and ventilation ceilings
  • Dimensioned according to hood size



Get to know: Product development engineer Samppa Rytkönen

We want to introduce you to our Product Development Engineer, Samppa Rytkönen.  As a development engineer, Samppa’s duties consist of designing and developing our ventilation equipment for professional kitchens. Samppa started at Climecon as a quality engineer several years ago, and we wanted to keep the top expert in the house. Samppa is a fair and well-liked colleague and the karaoke star of Climecon’s group.

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Climecon has been awarded EcoVadis bronze medal in recognition of sustainability efforts

Climecon has been awarded the bronze medal of the EcoVadis responsibility rating system. EcoVadis evaluates 21 sustainable development criteria in four categories: environment, labor and human rights, ethical business principles and responsible procurement. We are ranked in the top 25 % and got excellent points regarding environmental responsibility. EcoVadis is the world’s largest and most trusted supplier of business responsibility ratings.

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Update to the selection of air terminal devices 2025: CLIK will be removed from the selection

We are proud of our wide range of products. Our selection is updated regularly so that we can offer the most current products. However, sometimes it comes time to stop manufacturing certain products so that we can make room for new products.

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