Climecon – the responsible forerunner of human-centric ventilation
Good indoor air does not spring up on its own. At Climecon, we know how to create a good indoor climate and how to implement it in practice. We are a forerunner in our field creating responsible and human-centric solutions that take into account the well-being of people, buildings and the environment. Good indoor climate belongs to all of us.
Comprehensive ventilation solutions for various projects
Our selection tools make product selection easy
Help for ventilation designers
We provide tools to support high-quality and efficient design work.
With extremely good attitude
Clean indoor air does not spring up on its own – it is created with an uncompromising attitude.
We want to lead the way in our field by creating pioneering ideas through a new kind of indoor air design, because development comes above all from the power of working together.
Get to know: Production development engineer Olli Kekäläinen
This time, we would like to introduce our Production development engineer, Olli Kekäläinen. He works on various production development projects and is also our quality manager. Over the course of eight years, Olli has been involved in many things—for example, he has worked as a cost estimator and as a designer in our ventilation design service for professional kitchens. He also did his diploma thesis for Climecon as part of his mechanical engineering studies at Aalto University.
Vent.X tips – saving the simulation
You can also save your simulation in the Vent.X selection tool. Three clicks are needed to create a recording: create a save, save and finally click on the notepad icon.
High-quality ventilation for schools and kindergartens
School takes up a large part of the day for school-age children, usually 5 to 8 hours, and the time is mainly spent indoors. A good indoor climate significantly impacts pupils’ comfort and learning outcomes. The premises must promote well-being, concentration, and learning.