Vent.X Analysis: higher quality, faster, automated ventilation design

What if ventilation design mathematics were automated? What if the calculations included changes in the devices or surroundings? Look no further, Vent.X has it all!

Automated calculations save time in ventilation design

A new Analysis feature automates the calculation of ventilation functions and is now available on Vent.X. This offers great time savings for ventilation designers.

Vent.X uses a simple scale from A+ to D, A+ being the best, to grade the performance values of the devices. These grades are evolved into a total grade of an individual air external unit providing an intuitive way to assess the suitability of the device.

Changes are incorporated

Changes in the space, the quantity of air terminal units, and adjustment rate are all taken into consideration in the gradual analysis and in the final grade. By changing the selected values in throw-pattern or sound environment simulation phases, one can affect the total grade and find the most suitable device with a trustworthy trial and error approach.

Since changes are incorporated in the analysis, also longitudinal research into suitability of the device can be conducted. At best, changes in the lifetime of the air terminal units can be prepared for by finding a device with optimal performance at a suitable adjustment range.

Try Vent.X Analytics now


Three ways UV lamp choice affect maintenance costs in professional kitchens

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