Save up to 20% time in ventilation design with Vent.X features

We put major effort into developing our product range to better serve various purposes, different rooms and buildings. We also keep constantly developing Vent.X selection tool for faster and more accurate ventilation design. Put these two together and you get…

Advanced filtering in Vent.X

On the first page of Vent.X one can filter our selection by the devices’ installation method, sound level or throw length, depending on the needs of the project. This is an easy and reliable way to sort out our products and find the optimal solutions even if you are not that familiar with our entire selection.


Filtering by throw length becomes useful for instance when designing a dining area and aiming at minimizing the feeling of draft at the lounging height. Filtering by sound level works well while deciding on devices for a school where high levels of sound attenuation are needed.


Filtering by application

Devices that are designed for specific applications are pre-categorized and you can get to know these categories under the Status selection. The selection covers dozens of various spaces ranging from auditoriums and hotel rooms into gym halls and swimming halls.


Our very own Climecon specialists have been involved in categorizing the our products so that the designer can rely on our expertise concerning the devices as well as ventilation designing.



Three ways UV lamp choice affect maintenance costs in professional kitchens

The use of UV light in professional kitchen air purification is common, but in terms of efficient grease purification and life cycle costs, selecting the right technology makes all the difference. We list three factors of UV applications that help in controlling maintenance costs and make the work of the kitchen staff easier.

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Säker och bra arbetsmiljö i professionella kök kräver optimal belysning

Belysningens roll i ett professionellt kök är betydelsefull för säkerheten och som en komfortfaktor för de anställda. Kravet för belysningen styrs av den internationella inomhusbelysningsstandarden EN 12464, som reglerar tröskelvärdena för belysning i termer av bländning, färgåtergivning och ljusets tillräcklighet. Standarden har också legat till grund för produktutvecklingen av OptiLumo – Climecons ljus armatur för kökskåpor i professionella kök.

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Svarta kåpor kompletterar inredningen i restauranger

Svarta kåpor har varit ett önskemål bland krögarna sedan länge och nu har deras önskemål infriats. Alla kåpor och ventilationstak i Climecons sortiment finns nu att få i svart design. Climecons kåpor i utförande med svart design presenterades som nyhet på FinnBuild-mässan i oktober.

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