Die KONTIO Abluft- und Frischluftverdecke sind für skandinavische Architektur und nordische Bedingungen ausgelegt. Gemeinsam mit den OTSA-Verdecken bilden sie ein stilvolles einheitliches Gesamtbild. Im KONTIO ist die Verbindung rechteckig und die verwendeten Luftmengen sind größer als in OTSO-Verdecken.
Die KONTIO-Verdecke sind rechteckig. In der Mitte des Verdecks verläuft eine Nut, welche den Außenmantel abstützt. Die Konstruktion ist außerordentlich stabil. Die Konstruktionshöhen sind in den KONTIO-Verdecken sehr gering, was wiederum Windbelastungen senkt und das äußere Erscheinungsbild verbessert. Die in der Mitte der Verdecke waagerecht verlaufende Nut lässt die Konstruktion des Verdecks noch einheitlicher erscheinen. Hierdurch sehen die Verdecke niedriger aus als ihre Vorgängermodelle.
Die verschiedenen Alternativen finden Sie am rechten Rand
Product code
U |
630 |
ZN |
S |
Ma |
– |
KL60 |
– |
L |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
1 = Climecon roof hood type
2 = Direction of the air flow: U = Roof hood for exhaust air, S = Roof hood for inlet air
3 = Connector size
4 = Material: ZN = Galvanized steel, HST = High-grade stainless steel plate, Ma = Painted steel
5 = Connection type: S = Rain cover connection, L = Flange, IT = Coupling connector (for sizes 800×400 and 800×300 only)
6 = Painting: Note! When ordering a paint job, the desired colour and paint film thickness shall be indicated in the order.
7 = Roof transition: KL30 = Fire class EI30, KL60 = Fire class EI60, KL120 = Fire class EI120
Note! The upper connection on the roof transition always matches the size and the model of the connection of the roof hood. The connection on the lower end shall be chosen separately.
8 = Lower end connection of the roof transition: L = Flange, S = Male connector, IT = Coupling connector
Note! In order to define a roof hood model the data for the five first points is needed.
Recommended air flow area
Recommended air flow area KONTIO-U
Air velocity min 4 m/s and max 14 m/s.
Pressure loss less than 100 Pa.
Recommended air flow area KONTIO-S
Max pressure loss 40 Pa.
Face velocity speed max 2 m/s.
Duct speed min 2 m/s and max 5 m/s.
Dimensions KONTIO-U
Dimensions KONTIO-S
Dimensions for standard rain covers
The standard rain covers are designed to be compatible with Climecon roof transitions. In addition to the outer dimensions of the roof transition there is a space of 25 mm reserved on each side for the structure protecting the roof transition. Rain covers for other sizes can be made from order.
KONTIO-U roof hood for exhaust air
KONTIO-U roof hood for exhaust air fulfils the required air velocity despite of its low level of pressure loss.
KONTIO-U also meets the requirement of the exhaust air flow being directed only upwards.
Rain cover joint connection method:
The rain cover is made at the factory to measures to fit the outlet. The benefit of this connection method is safe insulation against moisture damage, since all the connection seams between the roof hood and the rain cover are factory-made.
1. Rain cover 2. A roof transition connection according to the connection method of the roof hood
Flange connection method:
Both the flange on the roof hood and the counter flange are included in the delivery.
1. Flange 2. A roof transition connection according to the connection method of the roof hood
Coupling connector method:
1. Flange 2. A roof transition connection according to the connection method of the roof hood
Connection with roof transition
Climecon roof transition is made on the factory, sheltered from the weather and always designed just for the particular connection method. The roof transition is available for all three connections. The fire class of the transition can be selected from EI30, EI60, or EI120. We use PAROC Hvac Fire Slab for fire insulation material. Insulation thickness is always 60 mm in all fire ratings.
The roof transition is attached to a load-bearing roof structure with the L lists (80x80x15) included in the delivery. The roof transition is made from galvanized steel. The upper connection on the roof transition always matches the roof hood. The lower connection method may be chosen according to the product selection menu.