CleanMaster® Ablufthaube für Küchen

Die CleanMaster®-Dunstabzugshauben entsprechen auch den Anforderungen von Profiküchen an die Hygiene und Nutzbarkeit.


Vier Schritte: Ozon, UV-A, UV-C, mechanische Filtration


fits Die CleanMaster®-Dunstabzugshauben nutzen die Technologie der 2. Generation, dank der sowohl die Fettkammern als auch die Kanalanlagen sauber bleiben.  Die Lösung beinhaltet auch die getestete und als UV- Schutzklassen-zertifizierte Abscheider anerkannten modernen Fettabscheider sowie die moderne Steuereinheit CCM.

Die Technologie ermöglicht in der Küche lange Speisezubereitungsphasen ohne zusätzliche Reinigungspausen, wobei gleichzeitig der geforderte Hygienestandard eingehalten wird. Die Dunstabzugshauben von Climecon wurden unter verschiedenartigen anspruchsvollen Bedingungen auf dem Land und dem Meer getestet. Als Ergebnis der Entwicklungsarbeit ist eine Lösung entstanden, die für den Nutzer funktioniert.

Die Standardmodelle sind mit Zu- und Steuerluft ausgestattet, wodurch sichergestellt wird, dass die Produktion von Zuluft mit niedriger Geschwindigkeit gleichmäßig und störungsfrei erfolgt. Die Dunstabzugshauben sind auch nur mit Abluft erhältlich.

RTS EPD-verifizierte Lüftungslösungen für professionelle Küchen

Als Teil der Voraussetzungen zur EPD-Verifizierung, wurde der CO2-Fußabdruck unserer Küchen-Ablufthauben nach den Voraussetzungen der Building Information Foundation RTS, kalkuliert.

What is CleanMaster®?

The grease filters of hoods and ceiling ventilation solutions can separate most of the grease resulting from the frying process. Part of the grease is still passing the filters and accumulating in the grease chamber. CleanMaster® cleaning technology prevents the grease from moving ahead to the duct system.


Remarkable advantages

  • Improved hygiene level
    > Healthy and safe working environment
  • Grease chambers and ducts remain clean
    > Reduced cleaning and sweeping costs
  • Enables heat recovery ventilation (HRV)
    > Improved energy efficiency
  • Neutralizes foul odours
    > Les environmental damages
  • Reduction of grease load in the ducts
    > Improved fire safety
  • Integrated control unit
    > Easy to design and quick installation

CleanMaster® or StandardPlus?

Clean as a Whistle

Cleaning of the kitchen ventilation devices has never been this easy!

Hygiene requirements for professional kitchens are very strict, which means kitchen ventilation equipment has to be easy to clean.

The ducts can be cleaned through supply and exhaust air units.

All hood surfaces can be swept clean. Grease filters, grease pans and supply air modules are machine-washable.

Design and functionality

The standard hood models can be designed with a vapour space with no separating wall, which turns the entity into a stylish unified whole.

Hoods are available with Climecon AirBoost capture air technology. This solution directs grease fumes to grease filters more efficiently and optimizes the efficiency of the hood even in the most challenging conditions.


Safety has been one of the top priorioties when designing Climecon hoods.

CleanMaster® hoods has a modern SlideSafe safety system for grease filters. Thanks to SlideSafe use and maintenance of the hoods is always safe and easy for the kitchen staff.

The filters of CleanMaster® hoods have been safety tested and UV-certified according to the norm DIN 18869-7:2006-06 – Equipment for commercial kitchens, The effective intensity of UV radiation.

Modern control unit controls in the background that the system works correctly and that the system is disconnected during malfunction and the production of ozone is stopped.

Quick guide

Quick guide for exhaust air

Quick guide for supply and capture air

The heighth of the hood represented in the quick guide is h=560. When using other models, the airflow should be measured:

  • Hood h=400, airflow x 0,95
  • Hood h=300, airflow x 0,70

Please check the spesific airflows with Hood.X -selection tool.


Selection diagrams

The diagrams are not to be used for making adjustments.

Pressure loss and noise data for exhaust air

Pressure loss and noise data for capture air and supply air, supply air unit height 300 mm

Pressure loss and noise data are measured for one supply air unit only. I island installation models there are two supply air units.

Pressure loss and noise data for capture air and supply air, supply air unit height 400 mm

Pressure loss and noise data are measured for one supply air unit only. I island installation models there are two supply air units.

Pressure loss and noise data for capture air and supply air, supply air unit height 560 mm

Pressure loss and noise data are measured for one supply air unit only. I island installation models there are two supply air units.

Product Code

The ordering of CleanMaster® hoods can be done with two different product codes. First product code includes the hoods that have been chosen in the kitchen based on the kitchen equipment.

After the hoods have been chosen, its time for the the second product code that includes choosing of the correct CCM control unit. The CCM control unit guides the hoods in the kitchen and is chosen based on the amount of hoods. For example, three CleanMaster® hoods are chosen for the kitchen which means CCM 3 control unit is the best choice to guide the hoods.
